We are available to be your speakers for lunch-and-learn meetings, for organizational retreats and other professional or networking organization meetings.
Confucius once said, “Where ever you go, there you are”. If you stop and give yourself time to find the meaning behind this insightful phrase, you will find the essence of Life Coaching.
Whether you are already a partner in a law firm or an associate lawyer building your career... success doesn't result from being an excellent technical lawyer. It's the art of obtaining new clients.
Many of the biggest workplace challenges facing all women revolve around gender. We help you tackle these issues to obtain both a successful career and a fulfilled personal life.
We work with successful executives who have “a full plate” to enjoy their success by having a more balanced, fulfilled and satisfying life & them avoid having regrets as they look back on their lives.
It is a blessing when law partners can agree on every issue. But they usually do not. Even among the founding partners, over time, friction, rivalries and jealousies develop.
Just because using Webinars as a promotional tool has become simple to mount, does not mean that it is easy to create an effective one. We can help you create truly effective webinars.
As part of our Coaching Program for lawyers and other professional services providers, we take our clients into the digital world. We take out students through the use of the various electronic methods of communication and promotion.
Aside from all of the above we can also help you grow you practice by building DISC Profiles of your staff, crafting a mission statement, creating strategic growth plans, or even mastering time management.